Back |
shapes and sizes
are available
with us. You can
take your card
game to the next
level with
custom shapes
and sizes. You
may take a shape
or size that we
already have or
go for an all
together new
shape. We have
done card decks
for many clients
customization on
the card size.
Below are a few
samples for you
to check. Our
collating plant
is equipped to
put your cards
above the rest.
A Triangle, a
Circle, a heart
shape or an Oval
shape for the
cards will
appeal to a
certain group of
players. Ask us
for a special
shape and we
shall do that
for you. With
the production
available with
us and the
latest printing
setup, it’s all
a matter of time
that we create
your concept
into reality.
Cards in the
shape of a
house. Yes it’s
as standard as a
rectangular card
deck, for us. No
costs. |
have been making
games with
cards per deck
to games that
need higher
number required
per deck. You
can take this
special card
shape at the
same basic
quotes that we
offer for normal
playing cards.
It can be in the
shape of an
apple, an oval,
a triangle or a
circle or for
that matter any
shape you
require. A
custom shape
card deck will
add value to
your game set.
We have
different sizes
available for
these shapes.
You can take a
square card of
size 2.75” x
2.75” or a
larger square of
size 4” x 4” or
even larger
square size of
5"x 5". |
custom shaped
cards have been
used by many
companies to
create awareness
about their
products. The
House shaped
cards work great
for real estate,
home improvement
companies etc.
Our apple shaped
cards are
wonderful for
education and
health care.
Round cards have
been used by big
Pizza companies
with details of
different Pizza
toppings and
servings coming
on the card
fronts. Do you
want more
families eating
at your
These cards will
definitely help
boost sales. |
you have a
different card
shape in mind.
Talk to us. We
have the
to create any
particular shape
for any number
of cards. |
Triangle shaped
card decks have
been created for
a game company
in the states.
One of the most
Pyradice games
uses these 64
shaped cards.
The face of the
card reveals
three concentric
triangles (one
within, or on
top of, the
other). Each
triangle is
colored green,
blue, yellow, or
red. The
sequence of the
three colored
triangles (from
outer to inner,
bottom to top,
largest to
produces 64
unique cards.
They are used in
traditional ways
as you draw and
discardthem to
build a winning
hand. The game
package includes
a set of 64
cards and an
instruction book
for playing
enjoyable games. |
uses a deck of
52 cards
(Chards®) with
the normal
suits: Hearts,
Diamonds, and
Clubs. Each
player selects a
favorite suit,
places their
King on the
board and begins
to play. Chards®
are added to the
board during
play anywhere on
the board so the
always changing.
Chards® is an
example of
square cards. |
Neter : The
multicolored metu neter
oracle deck is a
companion to
metu neter, by
ra un nefer
amen, a
book on the
egyptian oracle
of tehuti. In
conjunction with
the book, these
cards open up
the divinatory
powers of the
egyptian gods
and their
with modern
life. Not for
this oracle
demands a pure
attitude and
clear heart! |
Magical Days
Cards and Inner
Cards are
a special size
with less number
of cards per
deck. |
For more information, please contact us here. |