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Artwork for card game printing.
artwork requirement
File Transfer
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How To Create PDF
custom playing cards
custom printed card games
Personalized Playing cards
We may be oceans apart, but our data should not be. Today's business world is moving at lightning speed and the customers are demanding as they have deadlines to meet. We request you to transfer files over the net via our "File Transfer Service". Alternatively, you can also send files on a media like zip or compact disk by snail mail or an overnight service. Our staff will be more than pleased to assist you. We accept both PC & MAC flies.
File Transfer Services
Playing Cards Artwork
Kindly read the following guidelines before you upload files to our FTP or send across a disk:
Always select all the fonts used on your file and convert them to outlines. If fonts are not converted to outline, then these should be sent on the disk or uploaded with the files to our FTP. The best choice however is to always convert all fonts to outlines.
Always specify the program and version used to create the art works. For uploading the files to our FTP, please send across a mail and we shall forward the password details.


Please Check the art work requirements here....
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